Ben Weintraub

About Me

I am a fifth year PhD candidate in the Cybersecurity and Privacy Institute at Northeastern University where I work with Cristina Nita-Rotaru. I'm interested in the security of internet protocols. My research has mostly focused on validating the correctness of security-aware protocols from DNS to software-defined networks. My thesis work focuses on understanding emergent properties of Layer 2 blockchain protocols through the lens of systems security. I am an engineer by training, and worked as a software engineer for five years at both IBM and a since-acquired Silicon Valley startup, and rely on my engineering experience to design robust implementations for all my projects.


  • September 26, 2024 The college wrote a nice piece about my three CCS papers, what a whirlwind!
  • July 5, 2024 We had a third paper accepted to CCS! An incredible run and once again I am indebted to my first rate co-authors.
  • April 4, 2024 We had two papers accepted to ACM CCS '24! I am first author on both, but neither would have been possible without my amazing collaborators.
  • January 30, 2024 I'm returning as an intern to MIT-Lincoln Labs in the Secure Resilient Systems and Technology Group. I had a great experience last summer, looking forward to going back!
  • June 9, 2023 Our paper MSNetViews: Geographically Distributed Management of Enterprise Network Security Policy won runner-up for best paper at ACM SACMAT '23! A great effort by all my coauthors!
  • January 10, 2023 My guest post on blog Public Exposure was published today! It's about defending against frontrunning in Ethereum. Thanks to the Lari and the Public Exposure team for their fine editorial work!
  • December 9, 2022 I've accepted an offer to intern at MIT-Lincoln Labs in the Secure Resilient Systems and Technology Group. Looking forward to the experience!
  • August 17, 2022 Our paper A Flash(bot) in the Pan: Measuring Maximal Extractable Value in Private Pools has been accepted at ACM IMC '22!